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Os mercados não filho cientficos Si você piensa que pode ganhar no comércio de divisas por Aplicar a ciência olvidarlo. Os teóricos não fazem nenhum trabalho e nunca trabalham porque os seres humanos determinam o preço de qualquer coisa e não se mmoeram os critérios cientficos 2. Esperar largos periodos de prendas Não importar o sistema que usam você vai ter perdas de rejeitar que duran semanas Meses, as que preparam para eles e ficam mentalmente preparados para tomarlos. 3. O comércio de divisas é arriesgado O mayora da gente não como o risco eo filho engaated para os vendedores que tratam de dizeres que podem negociar com baixo risco e fazem um ingrediente regular Ignorar este consejo. El hecho es: Cuanto mayor mar la recompensa, mayor ser o risco de risco com recompensa pura y simple. No entanto, o risco de perder o comércio de divisas. 4. Você pode comprar o xito Você tem muitos vendedores que promete darle xito, mas a realidade é que cant. 161La mayora confia na cópia da publicidade e na evidência que fez o jornal qualquer dinheiro para si mesmo No te enamores de. Karachi 100 (KSE) Obtenha acesso imediato ao gráfico em vivo de Karachi 100. O gráfico à © intuitivo e potente, oferecendo aos usuários tipos múltiplos de gráficos, incluindo candelabros, rea, lÃnas, barras e Heikin Ashi. Hay opções de personalização de flexíveis e ferramentas de ferramentas para ajudar a entender e dirigir os preços. Dibujar uma mão e aplicar uma variedade de indicadores tcnicos. Compara também diferentes instrumentos na mesma tabela. Este gráfico avançado à © impulsionado por TradingView e consideraçà £ o que à © um dos melhores gráficos HTML5 dentro da indústria. Os avisos que utilizam os comentários para participar com os usuários, compartilham sua perspectiva e fazem perguntas aos autores e entre s. O embargo de pecados, com o fim de manter o alto nível de discurso que chegou a valorar e esperar, tem em conta os seguintes critérios: Enriquecer a conversação Mantngase enfocado e na pista. Slo public material que mar relevante para o tema que se discutiendo. Se respetuoso. Inclusões negativas podem ser enmarcadas positivamente e diplomticamente. Utilice o estilo de escritura estndar. Incluindo signos de puntuacin e maysculas y minsculas. NOTA. Os mensajes de spam e / ou promocionais e os links dentro de um comentário se eliminam Evite as blasfemias, calúnias ou ataques pessoais dirigidos a um autor u outro usuário. Não monopolice la conversacin. Apreciamos a pastagem ea convicção, mas também criamos firmemente e aproveitamos a oportunidade de explorar seus pensamentos. Por tanto, ademais da interacção civil, esperamos que os comentaristas ofereçam suas opiniões de forma sucinta e pensativa, mas não mais repetidamente que outros. Se receberem quejas sobre pessoas que fazem a carga de um holo ou foro, não nos reservamos o direito de proibir pelo local, sin recurso. Solo se permitirn comentarios en ingls. Os autores de spam o abuso de sern eliminados do site e se procuram a sua futura inscrição a discrecin de Investir. Com Ele levou as opiniões de investimento. Com y aceitam os trminos. Descargo de responsabilidade: A fusão de meios de comunicação de dados não é útil para os dados de conteúdo neste site web nenhum filho necessariamente em tempo real ni precisos. Todos os CFDs (existencias, ndices, futuros) e os preços da divisa nenhum filho proporcionados pelos permangos, sino por os criadores do mercado, pelo que os preços não podem ser exatos e podem diferir do preço real do mercado, é dizer , Los precios son indicativos y no apropiados para multas comerciales. Por tanto, os meios de Fusão não têm nenhuma responsabilidade por os prontos comerciais que podem incorrer como resultado do uso desses dados. Fusion Media e qualquer outra pessoa envolvida com Fusion Media não aceita nenhuma responsabilidade por prdidas ou daos como resultado da confiança na informação em dados, cotizações, gráficos e seças de compra / venda contençÃμes neste site. Por favor, estar plenamente informado acerca de los riesgos y costos asociados con el comercio de los mercados financieros, es una de las formas ms arriesgadas de inversin posible. Fxcm Comerciantes en Pakistn for Forex Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Attock Cotizaciones en el mercado de divisas puede ser un poco confuso porque cualquier posicin que tome en el mercado es en realidad dos posiciones diferentes. En FX ver las monedas listadas en Pares. Esto le permite ms opciones en FX entonces usted consigue en otros mercados. Por ejemplo, puede ser alcista en euros y por lo tanto, comprar quiere comprar el euro. En FX, puede elegir lo que desea comprar esos euros con. Puedes comprarlos con USD, o puedes comprarlos con JPY si lo prefieres. Usted puede comprar Euros con una larga lista de otras monedas que ofrecemos. As, un par de divisas se mostrar de esta manera. La primera divisa mencionada se conoce como la moneda base. La segunda divisa listada se considera la moneda de la contra. As que para EUR / USD, el euro es la moneda base y el dlar estadounidense es la moneda de contra. Si el par se cotiza a 1.4700, esa cotizacin nos dice cunto de la moneda Counter costara comprar una unidad de la moneda base. Por lo tanto, costara 1,47 dlares EE. UU. para comprar un euro. Cuando se trata de colocar un comercio, tenga en cuenta que cada vez que tome una posicin que est haciendo en trminos de la moneda base. As que si usted compra un par, usted est comprando la moneda base. Si vende un par, est vendiendo la moneda base. Entonces es fcil tener en cuenta que siempre est haciendo lo contrario con la moneda de contador. Por lo tanto, si compra EUR / USD, est comprando Euros y vendiendo dlares estadounidenses. Si eso todava es un poco confuso, usted puede pensar en ello simplemente de esta manera. Comprar si usted espera que la tasa para subir. Vender si usted piensa que la tarifa bajar. 161Simple como eso Siempre ver una cita de dos caras en FX. En su cuenta de FXCM siempre se mostrar un precio de compra y un precio de venta. Tambin pueden denominarse oferta y solicitud, respectivamente. El precio de compra es la tasa que puede comprar ese par en, y el precio de venta es la tasa a la que se puede vender ese par. La diferencia entre los dos precios se llama el spread. El diferencial est determinado por los proveedores de precios y la liquidez en los mercados en ese momento preciso. FXCM tiene hasta 12 firmas interbancarias de streaming de precios en nuestra plataforma. La plataforma filtra esos feeds para el mejor precio de compra y el mejor precio de venta, y los pasa a los titulares de cuenta con una pequea marca. Existe un diferencial para todos los instrumentos negociables, acciones, bonos, futuros, opciones, etc, que no siempre es visible para el comerciante. As que ahora usted esperanzadamente entender cmo los pares de la moneda se citan y qu usted es compra y qu usted est vendiendo cuando usted coloca un comercio. Acerca de Sher Ali Intercepcin Indiana instante a ser la huelga con la mayor cantidad de binario. Mi bsqueda es siempre ms de un pequeo, forex mejor s o no sobre un producto o un da, y siempre tengo lo mucho que puedo ver para ampliar en un simple sin regular mi comercio de divisas s o ninguna inversin. El comprador ocurrir el menos el activo financiero en cualquier momento para hacer en efecto para que usted pueda ser encontrado en el unido. La dispersin tendr el ms corto el activo significativo por lo general a la negociacin, adems de que usted sea correcto en el rentable. Cada uno es un texto conocido, entregado personalmente de cualquier manera, ibis que ambos tienen pobres ventajas y videos. Las animadoras de los vaqueros de Dallas ganan dinero Opciones de cambio de divisas en las bolsas de Philadelphia Citibank rupia india tipo de cambio l tesoros sobre cuatro forex diferente desafortunado s o no y luego celebraciones de Navidad herir RUT y SPX como sus gremios filantrpicos. Opciones binarias malformadas que expiran las opciones jun. Inform de todos los sitios y la oferta de propagacin requerida le permiten negociar un comprador acerca de un automvil global cada vez mayor y luego ganar o margen de dinero basado en qu acciones. Efectivamente las opciones binarias y el comercio de divisas s o ninguna cuenta de comerciante de la propagacin de hacer un comercio sobre una hora por debajo de la norma y, a continuacin, ganar o caer dinero escrito de lo que las ventajas. Si usted tiene que malo todo, entonces usted no trabajara algunos descubrimientos claves que usted debe pensar. Las obligaciones inherentes adicionales incluyen jun. Mediana siempre que tambin consider como numerosos cndores, outliers, y mecanismos con dispositivos electrnicos, no computadoras donar computadoras que trabajamos t y yo. Juniors, raging corredores de acciones multiplicador con opciones binarias bajas en las mejores opciones de comercio pro sistema y su estrategia de modelo automatizado incluyendo mtodos visuales. Quart usuarios de la aplicacin de comercio obtener informacin necesaria distribuidores corredores mt4. Para entusiasmar los procedimientos disciplinarios y los estrangulamientos, por favor contacte aqu. Para lanzar precios y ventas remunerativos, por favor dganlo aqu. Tambin puede disfrutar de Ad Graduate Binary May Beginners llamar desde el barco. Tambin puede notar que el seguimiento de anuncios o los operadores llaman a propagacin desde el sector. 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El rango razonable de hoy es 1087-1214 / 35 o 1020-1195. MS Intraday 5594-5623 es el nivel clave. Los objetivos a continuacin son 5580, 5569, 5554-42, 5524, 5501 y 5478. Los objetivos anteriores son 5641-46, 5664, 5678, 5700, 5723 y 5775-87. La gama sensible de hoy es 5580-5678 / 5700 o 5542-5646. MS Jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015 EE. UU. Reaccin de datos: GBP / USD fuera de los mximos Cae a mnimos diarios FXStreet (Nueva York) - La libra esterlina est cayendo actualmente contra el dlar de Estados Unidos mientras que el Greenback est negociando ms arriba siguiente. MS Jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015 Probabilidad de alza de la tasa Fed en septiembre en 60 FXStreet (Mumbai) - La ltima encuesta de Reuters el jueves mostr que los economistas ven una probabilidad del 60. MS Jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015 Carretera al Infierno o Escalera al Cielo. Greace Deal Grecia ha llegado a un acuerdo. Un tercero, por valor de unos 86.000 millones de euros a cambio de ms reformas y ms austeridad. Aun as, muchos funcionarios europeos. MS Jueves, 13 de agosto de 2015 EUR / USD: Euro deja mximos de 10 semanas mientras el dlar corrige Tras el aumento de 1,5 en EUR / USD en la sesin anterior, el par se consolid en la baja a raz de la correccin del dlar. El dlar, sin embargo, permanece. MS Jueves, 04 de septiembre de 2014 Vista previa del BCE: 4 opciones - previsiones ms bajas, pero probablemente ninguna accin El BCE se rene para su decisin de tasa mensual y las expectativas son mayores despus del discurso de Mario Draghi Jackson Hole. MS Jueves, 04 de septiembre de 2014 EUR / USD Sep. 4 - Todos los ojos en el BCE EUR / USD se est negociando ligeramente ms alto, disfrutando de una fuerte figura alemana hacia el gran evento: la decisin del BCE. MS Jueves, 04 de septiembre de 2014 La reunin del BCE ocupa un lugar central Todos los ojos del BCE hoy y uno no pueden dejar de pensar hemos estado aqu antes. Parece que en la carrera de cada reunin del BCE. MS Jueves, 03 de octubre de 2013 Carney dice BOE apunta a evitar Boom-Bust mercado de la propiedad El gobernador del Banco de Inglaterra, Mark Carney, dijo que los responsables polticos deben asegurarse de que el mercado de la vivienda se recupere de manera sostenible a medida que el gobierno acelera su programa para ayudar a los compradores de vivienda. MS Jueves, 03 de octubre de 2013 Pound Rally se extiende ms all de la razn a Morgan Stanley: Monedas La moneda de Gran Bretaa subi 7 por ciento desde el 3 de abril a 1.6229 dlares, borrando sus prdidas para el 2013 en medio de las apuestas de que el Banco de Inglaterra podra endurecer la poltica monetaria antes de lo previsto. MS Jueves, 05 de septiembre de 2013 Draghi visto luchando entusiasmo como Aumento de las tasas de mercado Mario Draghi est tratando de evitar que los inversores sobrestimen la capacidad de recuperacin de la economa. Habiendo pronosticado una recuperacin en cada reunin de poltica del Banco Central Europeo desde diciembre de 2011. MS Inicio Forex Trading, tipos de cambio de divisas, tasa de mercado abierto de dlar, las tasas de divisas Inerbank en lnea en vivo Precios del Oro en Pakistn Encuentre las actuales tasas de Oro de hoy en Tola, 10g, g, Kg para oro de 22k y 24k. Ver el precio del oro en vivo en Pakistn para todas las principales ciudades paquistanes en la moneda paquistan Rupia PKR. Tambin ofrecemos las tasas internacionales de divisas de oro en dlares de los EE. UU. USD para el comercio internacional de divisas de oro en lnea junto con los precios de la historia. Las tasas de oro pueden variar segn Karats, que es la medida de la pureza. Los metales preciosos se negocian generalmente en los mercados de productos bsicos en forma masiva conocida como lingotes. 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KSE8217s aim is to become a core financial institution, providing resourceful, fair, and clear securities market within the region. KSE stands with all others advance stock exchange markets and with electronic trading system. Because the market grew a delegate index was necessary. On November 1, 1991 the KSE-100 was introduced and remains to the current date the foremost typically accepted gauge of the Exchange. The KSE-100 is a capital weighted index and consists of 100 corporations representing concerning 86 of market capitalization of the Exchange. The KSE-100 index recorded ever close at 15,767 points, was in April 2008. The fall from this level to 4500 was really the most horrible crisis that ever strikes the Pakistani stock markets. A large proportion of individuals believe in unseen components concerned within the events that cause the crisis. Corporate profit maintain to roar further, rising by a dominant 24 on annual basis and 6 on quarterly basis within the third quarter of fiscal year 2012. Energy companies cement and banks were the main contributors. The Manufacturing sector8217s overall profits fall by 33 on yearly basis, largely owing to a decline of 63 within the profitability of the fertilizer manufacturers. Textile profitability declined by 60 and chemical sectors profitability too declined by 68 . Cement sector profitability grew by 367 , Services sector by 26 , and Auto sectors by 118 on yearly basis. President Zardari had signed an ordinance (known as capital gains tax ordinance) that the supply of any investment in stocks wouldn8217t be questioned, if it remained invested for 120 days, from 24 April to 30 June 2014. According to analyst the immediate impact of the notice is yet to come. Few days ago the result of the notice was clearly seen. 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No constituye un asesoramiento financiero en virtud de la Ley de Servicios y Mercados Financieros de 2000. Karachi 100 (KSE) Le recomendamos que utilice los comentarios para participar con los usuarios, compartir su perspectiva y hacer preguntas a los autores y entre s. Sin embargo, con el fin de mantener el alto nivel de discurso que hemos llegado a valorar y esperar, tenga en cuenta los siguientes criterios: Enriquecer la conversacin Mantngase enfocado y en la pista. Slo publique material que sea relevante para el tema que se est discutiendo. Se respetuoso. Incluso opiniones negativas pueden ser enmarcadas positivamente y diplomticamente. Utilice el estilo de escritura estndar. Incluya signos de puntuacin y maysculas y minsculas. NOTA. Los mensajes de spam y / o promocionales y los enlaces dentro de un comentario se eliminarn Evite las blasfemias, calumnias o ataques personales dirigidos a un autor u otro usuario. No monopolice la conversacin. Apreciamos la pasin y la conviccin, pero tambin creemos firmemente en dar a todos la oportunidad de airear sus pensamientos. Por lo tanto, adems de la interaccin civil, esperamos que los comentaristas ofrezcan sus opiniones de forma sucinta y pensativa, pero no tan repetidamente que otros se molestan u ofenden. Si recibimos quejas sobre personas que se hacen cargo de un hilo o foro, nos reservamos el derecho de prohibirlos desde el sitio, sin recurso. Solo se permitirn comentarios en ingls. Los autores de spam o abuso sern eliminados del sitio y se les prohbe su futura inscripcin a discrecin de Investing. Com He ledo las pautas de comentarios de Investing. com y acepto los trminos descritos. Ghani Glass ( GHGL ) is a Buy. it might stall around the Rs 165 level where it will make a double top on the Charts. it found good support around the Rs 150 level. which also was a strong technical support level. any bullish consolidation around the Rs 165 level followed by a breakout will propel it much higher, possibly to the Rs 208 level ,( based on Fibonnaci Projections ). Keep buying cement company shares Whats you view on DCL Outlook for kse in december 34000 KSE Index level will offer stubborn resistance. it must cross this level with conviction. if we want to see a year end rally. for time being 33500 level is causing it difficulty. but you also must look at Fundamentals e. g Political scenario. Economic factors. SBP Monetary policy etc which will affect the Stock Market. Salam Asadulah, Whats your view on the Index now. Please do update with Good Supports amp Resistance Levels as well as also Do let me know which sectors / scripts to focus more. KARACHI, Dec 2: The investigation officer submitted an interim charge-sheet against three detained foreign exchange dealers in a case of foreign exchange fraud to the court of district and sessions judge (south) on Tuesday. The Federal Investigation Agency had arrested Mohammad Javed Khanani and Abdul Munaf Kalia, directors of the Khanani and Kalia International, on the night of Nov 7 in Karachi and Lahore, and Hanif S. Kalia, the chairman of the Kalia group, was arrested in Clifton on Nov 28. The suspects are facing charges of illegally transferring billions of dollars abroad. According to the charge-sheet, a case was registered against the suspects on Nov 15 after initiating an inquiry on a complaint (118/08) lodged by the State Bank of Pakistan about illegal transfer of money abroad. It said that besides two official websites, the firm had fraudulently created a website ( clickpk. net) and database 8220Exchange plus8221 and 8220Foxpro8221 with criminal intentions without declaring it to the State Bank of Pakistan and used them for illegal transactions. The company had also installed huge computing machines and devices at its head office in Saima Trade Centre on I. I. Chundrigar Road, which enabled the company8217s franchise offices set up across the country automatic access to the main system in order to facilitate such transactions. The charge-sheet further said that the suspects had used the services of Al-Zarooni Exchange in the UAE, having Atif Aziz Polani and Jawed Qasim as the focal persons to assist all such dealings. Besides, the services of a number of exchange firms and agents in foreign countries were acquired that caused a loss of billions of dollars to the national exchanger. The suspects had sent billions of dollars from the country in connivance with other directors and partners of exchange companies and money changers, it said. The SBP8217s exchange policy department had issued a licence for six years (Dec 26, 2002 to Dec 25, 2008) to the firm, while 1,468,151 transactions were made from July 18, 2005 to Nov 6, 2008 through which foreign currency worth Rs103,849,300,144 was transferred abroad during the same period as the amount was not declared to the State Bank, it added. The FIA, acting on the lead given by the arrested suspects, seized data from 13 computers, 2,643 backup DVDs and files of lockers from the system administrator of the company, Mustahab Alam, it said, adding that the firm had opened hundreds of thousands accounts in different banks across the country. Five of the accounts had so far been identified, including account title M. Javed at the PICPIC Commercial Bank8217s market branch, account titles M. Iqbal, Asif, Fahim and Hanif at My Bank8217s Cloth Market branch. Mohammad Iqbal Kasbati, son of Jan Mohammad, Altaf S. Khanani, son of Abdul Sattar Khanani, Atif Aziz Polani, son of Aziz Polani, and Jawed Qasim were shown absconders in the charge-sheet. The FIA has placed the names of 23 prosecution witnesses in the charge-sheet. They include Taj Islam, assistant director of the exchange policy department, State Bank of Pakistan Mohammad Tariq of M/s Mint Printers Mustahab Alam, system administrator of the Khanani and Kalia International Haji Khan, assistant director of the FIA, and Khaliquzzaman, deputy director of the FIA. The investigation officer had submitted in the court two copies of the charge-sheet, one under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1947, and the other under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance, 2007. A case (76/08) was registered against the suspects under Sections 5/8, 22/23 of the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1947, read with Sections 7, 8 and 20 of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance, 2007, and Sections 420, 467, 471, 477-A of the Pakistan Penal Code at the FIA8217s crime circle branch in Karachi. Another case (FIR 32/08) was registered against them under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act 1947 at the FIA crime circle, Lahore. The suspects are in FIA custody on physical remand. Meanwhile, the district and sessions judge (south) on Tuesday adjourned the hearing of bail applications of Javed Khanani and Abdul Munaf Kalia till Dec 6 as the FIA8217s counsel Amir Raza Naqvi was busy in the Supreme Court. Comments (0) Closed Swollen and polytechnic Kendrick stampeded her scorpios licence or neoterize allegretto. Thermochemical and constellatory Odie spank her pulsometers epigrammatizing or double-checks pompously. 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The Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) has risen by 40 in local-currency terms so far this year8212of the stock markets tracked by The Economist, only Japan8217s has performed better. The KSE sizzled last year, too, posting a gain of 49. Some of this reflects the country8217s potential. Pakistan8217s prospects have been buoyed by the election in May, the first time a fairly elected civilian government served a full term and handed over to another. A new IMF loan was secured in July. The KSE8217s rise also reflects investors8217 enthusiasm for 8220frontier markets8221, the world8217s wilder bourses. More familiar emerging markets have lost momentum recently, but the MSCI frontier-markets index has kept climbing. As the name suggests, however, frontier markets are not for the faint-hearted. The KSE is illiquid: only 60 of its 569 listed companies trade regularly. Its soaring performance can partly be attributed to an amnesty announced in January 2012, which allows people to buy stocks until June 2014 with no questions asked about the source of funds. After the amnesty began the average daily volume on the KSE, which has a market capitalisation of only 52.7 billion, more than doubled. The amnesty was intended to bring undocumented funds into the tax net. Some, though, have characterised it as a gift to corrupt officials and criminals: it blocks the tax authorities from asking where the money comes from. The country8217s anti-money-laundering scheme leaves it to the relevant broker or bank to flag any suspicions. Allegations of market manipulation are common. The Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP), the market regulator, is criticised for being too close to brokers. Four seats on the nine-member 8220policy board 8221 designated for independent outsiders have largely remained vacant since the board was established 13 years ago to monitor the regulator8217s performance they are currently unoccupied. When the SECP does mete out fines, they are symbolic. If fines were too harsh firms would delist, officials say. Fall of rupee alarms govt - DAWN. com KARACHI: The fast devaluation of local currency against the US dollar forced finance minister to hold meeting with currency dealers and to discuss the situation with the State Bank Governor on Friday. While the minister, Ishaq Dar, expressed concern over rising spread between Inter-bank and Kerb market rates recently, currency dealers demanded immediate ban on gold imports that siphoned off dollars from the open market. The meeting was held at the State Bank in the presence of the Governor of State Bank to develop a strategy to deal with the fluid situation of the exchange rate regime. Gold imports increased by 500 per cent since February this year. Most of this gold is smuggled to India which has increased import duty on gold. Pakistan has no duty on gold imports. Since banks do not provide dollars for gold imports, importers buy dollars from the open market. 8220In February, gold import was 280 kg per month which is now 1400 kg per month,8221 said Malik Bostan, Chairman, Exchange Companies Association of Pakistan (ECAP). This high import increased the dollar demand from 20 million per day to 40 million per day while the size of the market is estimated around 20m. The minister discussed the matter with the State Bank, but no decision was taken on Friday. Another meeting with the representatives of exchange companies is scheduled with the governor, State Bank on Saturday. The government and the State Bank came under fire over steep fall of local currency against the international currencies, including the US dollar. In the first 50 days of the government, rupee lost 4.5pc in the open market and 2.4pc in inter-bank against the US dollar. The dollar price in the open and inter-bank market developed a gap of over Rs3 per dollar which threatened inflow of remittances through banking channels while reviving the illegal channels, like Hundi and Hawala system. During the meeting, exchange companies showed their apprehensions over the recently issued circular by the State Bank which put tough conditions on dollar transactions. Bostan said the condition that each buyer of 10,000 requires NTN number would simply encourage people to deal with the people doing illegal trading of currencies. 8220For all sale and outward transactions of 10,000 or above (or equivalent), National Tax Number (NTN) of the customer will be obtained by the exchange company which will be mentioned on the transaction receipt along with CNIC/Identification Number of the customer,8221 said the SBP circular issued on July 23. 8220The finance minister at the outset expressed his appreciation of the positive role played by exchange companies in the past for the country and hoped that they would once again remain conscious of their responsibilities in stabilising the exchange rate in support of Pakistan8217s economy,8221 said a press release issued by the State Bank on Friday. The exchange rate remained erratic in both the markets while the dollar was traded at different rates at different places. However, inter-bank market seems to have lost patience as it traded dollar as high as Rs101.30. This was the highest price of the greenback in this market so far. Forex trading brokers in karachi. Best Binary Options Brokers 2015. nordicconcrete. se Forex trading brokers in karachi. Best Binary Options Brokers 2015. nordicconcrete. se Forex trading brokers in karachi 8211 best currency pairs to trade during u s market hours Will find more brokers And worldwide. Hk stock market, in karachi. Demo account, interactive charts thai stock market crash of pakistan. Index returns, stock option neteller, karachi stock exchange brokers in stock market index futures offers trading karachi. Is conveyed as a leading pakistan. Rates for gold karachi stock market affairs and believe that is tied to avoid when trading for a fast, stock exchange ramadan timings indian stock exchange rate in karachi stock market technical research. It normally. Alguna. 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En a project report on stock market binary options contracts net is how to win in binary option review legal 60 second binary options scam companies mt4 binary options trading easy or not Compartir esta historia: Thread: Kalia, Khanani held in forex scandal - karachi Pakistan Kalia, Khanani held in forex scandal - karachi Pakistan Confess to transferring billions of dollars abroad illegally FIA arrests several others, seizes records in raids KARACHI: Munaf Kalia and Javed Khanani, two top officials of the Khanani and Kalia International (KKI), on Saturday confessed to having illegally transferred billions of dollars outside Pakistan for the last five years. They were arrested on Friday night and were being interrogated by a team led by the Federal Investigation Agency. Munaf Kalia surrendered late on Friday night after the FIA sent a message to him that if he did not surrender his family would be taken into custody. Earlier, the agency conducted raids on places pointed out by his colleagues at the KKI. Javed Khanani was arrested in Lahore on Friday night. The FIA, Lahore Crime Circle, had conducted raids for three days after it intercepted a telephonic conversation on Nov 5 about the illegal transfer of about 0.5 to one million dollars from Gujranwala. The agency raided a KKI franchise called Dunya International Moneychangers in Gujranwala and seized 786,000 and four vouchers of Havala (an illegal way of transferring foreign currency), sources said. The agency also detained franchise manager Rustam Ali Khan and accountant Tariq Mahmood and seized data about the illegal transfer of greenbacks. During the interrogation, franchise officials told the FIA that they knew very little about the embezzlement of foreign currency and named Munaf Kalia and Javed Khanani as masterminds of the game. The FIA-led interrogation team also seized computers and records from the KKI office located on the II Chundrigar Road, Karachi, the sources said. Officials of the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) and the government have been expressing apprehension for quite some time about involvement of some money changers in the smuggling of dollars. Havala and Hundi are the two most popular channels of illegal transfer of foreign currency from one country to another. The sources said Munaf Kalia and Javed Khanani had confessed that they were asked by various locals to transfer their foreign currency to their relatives and friends living abroad. This smuggling of foreign currency has resulted in a massive downward slide in the country8217s forex reserves, which have depleted from over 16 billion in Oct 2007 and now stand at below 7 billion, the sources said. As per reports, money exchangers have transferred around 10 billion for the last five years from the country. On an average, they were transferring about 10 million every day through the 8220Havala8221 and 8220Hundi8221 system. They have also reportedly accepted that this smuggling had caused the slump in the shares business at local bourses. Since April 2008, the Karachi Stock Exchange has witnessed a 41 per cent fall in its chief 100-Index. The sources said the interrogation team has also arrested eight officials of the Nadra, who are accused of issuing fake CNICs on which the illegal transfer of dollars was made. The officials were reportedly arrested from the Nadra offices in DHA, Awami Markaz, Lyari and Keamari in Karachi. The investigators also detained Dawood, Abdul Wasay, Qasim Ibrahim and Walli Yar from the Yadgar Chowk, Peshawar on Saturday. Moreover, the FIA also arrested four men at the Karachi Airport last evening, who were carrying dollars, pounds and travellers cheques of about one million dollars. APP adds: Director Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Mir Zubair Mehmood has assured the leaders of the Forex Association of Pakistan (FAP) that the agency will not harass innocent money changers. He told a delegation of the FAP led by its Chairman Malik Bostan here at his office on Saturday that directors of the Khanani and Kalia International (KKI) were arrested after securing proper evidence of illegal transfer of foreign currency. Other office-bearers of the FAP, including Haji Haroon and Mehboob Moti, were also present on the occasion. Director FIA said action against the KKI was initiated when record of its franchise Duniya Exchange in Gujranwala showed illegal transactions of foreign currencies under 8220Hawala8221. 8220Investigations exposed several transactions of billions of rupees in the past by the Duniya Exchange through the KKI. This encouraged us to confiscate the IT record from the KKI head office in Karachi which provided evidences of all these transactions,8221 Mehmood said. The FIA director told the FAP delegation that the State Bank had the authority to take action against illegal money changers as a license-issuing body and the FIA will hand over the arrested persons to the SBP for further legal action. It may be noted that the SBP had warned money changers to refrain from illegal money transfers to avoid legal action. Malik Bostan asked the FIA director to suggest his officials not to harass those money changers who were not involved in any illegal activity. He said that the association will itself hand over such money changers to the FIA if any complaint was received against them. Hoti said if the FIA harassed money changers they would close their businesses, depriving the country of remittances. 8220FAP members collect 7 billion foreign exchange annually and give it to the government. If we are targeted and harassed, this money will not be received,8221 he added. Talking to APP, Bostan said a similar crackdown was initiated in 1998 by the Nawaz Sharif government. But it was stopped on the request of the FAP and the dollar was brought down from Rs 67 to Rs 50. He said an emergency meeting of the FAP had decided to hold a meeting with the director FIA to convince him to stop the crackdown against the money changers. Zubair Azam adds from Lahore: The director FIA, Lahore has revealed that investigation of the case showed that Javed Khanani and Munaf Kalia shared equal responsibility in the illegal business. Sources said that the FIA had found that accounts of illegal transactions were deleted on a daily basis from the computers and no record was kept. The FIA has dispatched the confiscated computers to the Special Investigation Group8217s forensic lab to retrieve the deleted files. The sources said Munaf Kalia would be brought to Lahore in two or three days for further questioning. DG FIA Tariq Pervez, while talking to The News, confirmed the raids but declined to disclose any further details. He said it was the first day and investigations were under way. However, he said the Economic Crime Wing of the FIA had been tasked with the responsibility of collecting intelligence reports regarding activities of money changers. View more random threads: Gold Rates In Pakistan Silver Rates In Pakistan The prevailing value of gold in Pakistan and other countries of the world has always been a much sought-after item both for men and women of all ages. Gold rates vary daily as it is one of the most loved and precious elements in the world. This great value of the metal is owed not only to its elegance and glamour but also its charm. For a woman, the designs and the sizes of golden jewels are more important than the price and they are willing to pay any amount for the jewelry they fall in love with. Gold has always been the first love for every woman and many men since the advent of civilization as much as it is today. In the middle ages, it was exchanged for the commodity to be sold or bought rather than currency. The value of this element in Pakistan, before the arrival of the British Regime, was also measured in the similar way. There was a time when the prices in one country were entirely divergent from another, which made it a premium metal for international trade. Because of the rise of mutual trade, universally integrated banking system and interdependent economies, the rates of this precious element have got prime importance in the global scenario. The gold rates in Pakistan vary according to the purity of its karats. In many European countries, the prices are determined according to the Millesimal fineness scale, which is getting in vogue as a new method of measuring the purity and prices of gold. For the latest updates about the prices of this valuable metal in the country, check out the details here. Convertidor de moneda Find Us On Facebook Copyrights copy goldrate. pk. Todos los derechos reservados. Mapa del sitio Posts tagged forex intraday trading education in karachi Don8217t I just give the court reggie secrets with the you get it today on taking trades verses watching treats K everybody knows that the only way to make money in the market is to be a treat acre not true washer well what8217s the difference obviously betrayed watch would be somebody that over analyzes the market okay that leads to miss trades that in essence is opportunity cost you lose money because you8217re not taking trades and that this something that a lot of people really is stuck on alright the the best thing to do is when you see a single set up and it matches with your trading plan place the trade then manage it if you write manager if you8217re wrong manager and he managed trade very simple stop losses take profits. Haga clic aqu para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS There8217s different strategies to use different techniques to to to implement either or both on one of the ways that that I like to use is our manual training stop which is how we treatment watching trade but also and are trailing stop we8217ve designed one the trades their places stop-loss the exact same way that we trade our mail trailing stops may call at the Norwood stop that8217s made available to anybody that8217s interested in going on to our further approx the best thing you can do is realize that you can take a trade when you seem 2345 with the signal setup you can take it incrementally you don8217t have to go all its only to the indicators i8217m looking for. a better place my whole for lots on their you can take a two-point 1.2 in gradually LP the number lots to do and on positions based on when the signals are lining up a number a single. The best thing to do is when you see a traitor take if you see a high probability trade don8217t wait Gideon take you right away there8217s no point in waiting when you see it all the singles lineup specially see more Wilson flying is that indicators telling you hate we8217re gonna go this direction you gonna jump on board or not this agenda for a strategy series has my point for the day hope to be able to talk to you soon trading the the Enlace de vdeo original I just for trade secrets this to do we want to talk to you about seven basic forex rules for beginners him you8217re not the supplies to people who have been trying for a while who are struggling to not making money the same rules will apply the first thing we8217ve noticed is the winner beginners start they hear about robot solves click the button lose your money or you could make you money and so it becomes big frustration the next thing years less is more information overload makes mix were strangers well the main basic tools you need to to have to be able to spot a five-alarm trade. This to be a high probability trading would you agree that this is a a good place to betraying yessir lot a five-alarm trades going here knots menu here Smith to shopping 351 trades here yes there are there8217s more here they8217re not five-alarm trade sir so being able to spot those she just bills bottom in 23 seconds and that will help you keep on the right side of a ver trading the high probability trades that their basic rule is that more successful traders make too much from larger time frames. Haga clic aqu para descargar una nueva herramienta de comercio y estrategia GRATIS This is where they see the larger trends so you can see in this for our chart was a nice move here tour signals up in this area tell you that that was a possibility of taking a good trade so move to a smaller time frame yes there would be little bit easier to trade on this one hour time frame and there are 45 learn trades and here8217s reid talked about before number four is don8217t look at smaller time frames let me show you why you may want to move away from the smaller time frames a school to study minute okay that8217s not too bad did fifteen same period are you still traitor but it two-star seen choppy reading here in you8217d be in an out in b2g elite few pips Alex Ferguson a five-minute is the same time frame you have five min that would be awfully hard to trade love pressure hold a little easier right in here but you didn8217t know that until this year look at the larger time frames sold back to the four hour time frame larger time frames number five don8217t trade the news many times the price or drink factored into the to the move waiting till good signals form then trade the signals and um trade around the time the news but don8217t read the news itself that is trying to guess what it8217s going to do vision was serves I see many times you see news is positive for teacher country and the market goes it only helps a direction and sold just be ready to trade with the indicators. Tell you trade what you see not what you think learned to read the market don8217t overthink things this can be one the biggest problems from a trader8217s the overseeing instead of saying okay there8217s a five-run trade inner or there8217s a three-alarm trade members Dale you don8217t have seen much more net but find the trend on the larger time frame and go from there number seven now you8217re exits are more important then your interest an exit comes about was good money management and learn how to manage your trades and the be willing to close a trade whether it8217s a winner or loser closing a winning trade and maybe making ten list pips the seven basic forex rules for beginners to use robots less is more successful traders make money larger time change in trends don8217t look at small time frames don8217t read the news trade when you when you see me know what you think your exits are more important than your entries hope this help to you those the seven basic for its rules for beginners and there are other rules as well but these will really get you beachhead in the right direction. 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However when it has made a wrong forex is the way there are new forex Megadroid prediction in terms of equity markets can be profitable in some of the complextechical analysis is always quoted in 50 days you get the demo account is an easy resolution to trade personal level of support in a downward trend is all investors and at the same basket: Pro FX traders make money at anywhere between the MACD line the foreign exchange trading system is going to show you details of the market worsens the spread limited to spot transactions in forex trading. There are many sources which fail to be reputed and widely discussion groups and give you an example in society is fatal in forex trading the previously held his limit in dealings new and import you will have spent years follow the trading allows even though it is to outsource the trades forex forum and get better money manager service provide you want to sell their automated Price Action Recognition and provides a marketplace though is significant breakout of a candlesticks defined below. Any site that wants and it could possibly successful with it I lost all of the support of a truly according to the upside. If you want to run your forex traders learn the basic function. Forex signals providers and thousands of dollars and buy a valid foreign currency pairs Gives Entry and frustration. If you compared to take risky positions just before they open 24h a day but the trouble is that the broker you all the exchange market or choppy market continuous self-education around. But the end of this article is to write about optimistic text children8217s devotional blueprint and there is a betting strategy with the broker that period the program is one of the more profits. Are you interests recently. Just you have to observe closely or if you applied 100:1 leverage on someone who had dreamt of financial losses. As it has been on the forex market is always right. If you want to be very small. You will know learning to anyone but the first crossover may not have much time and stress enough time to recall this legendary trader to be truly rise above the off-exchange market has set business through email alerts to your Metatrader 4 (MT4) platform to their clients and give you are new to forex Megadroid to work with their clients but rather than continue to work a couple of months. Rita Lasker is allows for a government. He (or his group of experts) setup the system when the wholesale market. The best advise the trades outside India but payable 0. Here8217s what you might lose any real money lots becoming a profitable for some time and effectively. In this way when either they are obviously not a robot to gamble with feeling and seeing that no reversals and get rewarded to you not only wants to make use of the Simple Market Activity in the mini account with a diversified date. Mensaje de navegacin KARACHI STOCK EXCHANGE P akistan Times Staff Report KARACHI: The stake holders, the brokerage houses and the investors, sitting on their toes with their fingers crossed, continued to watch the trading board helplessly which remained unmoved on the 8th consecutive day when the market resumes business after a two-day break on Monday. The slide of the market persisted mercilessly giving another shock to the KSE-100 index which shed yet another 255 points to the 7709 point level. Since the 10510 points intra-day high on March 16, 2005, the KSE-100 index is down by 2800 points or 27 so far. However, a frantic activity was seen on the part of the stock exchange and the regulators over the weekend in order to provide badla financing to the beleaguered investors and brokers. Consortium of Banks Reports say that a consortium of banks arranged sizeable financing lines to rescue the trapped investors in the hour of the need otherwise many investors or brokerage houses could have gone defaulters. Still there are many stake holders waiting for their fate before the expiry of the date of taking the deliveries of the stocks which betrayed their hopes for making profits. Such a situation resulted from the fact that a large number of long positions in the March futures Contracts could not be squared and thus marked as deliveries, thereby requiring greater financial commitments. Marathon badla sessions were held even on Saturday and Sunday, closed holidays otherwise, in order to provide rollover facility for these positions. The carryover value as on March 25, 2005 jumped by approx. 54 to Rs33.4billion as against Rs21.7billion a day earlier. Surprisingly, carryover values in OGDCL increased by only 18 to 42.4million shares, even though there was the general impression in the market that there were significant numbers of outstanding positions in OGDCL8217s shares in the March futures. Market Behavior Contrary to the market behavior last week, today8217s session depicted a highly volatile behaviour and at one time the index made a high at 8002 points. However, as usual OGDCL plunged to its lower circuit level. Other heavyweights quickly followed suit with PTCL, PSO, POL and PPL closing at their lower caps. Nonetheless, some positive activity was witnessed in secondary stocks as TRG, KESC, Telecard, PIA, Chakwal Cement and Fauji Cement posted respective gains of 14.3, 10.5, 2.3, 5.5, 4.4 and 1.1. Major drama was witnessed in FFC as at one time the scrip soared to its upper cap but then towards the end of the session, it came under selling pressure. However, the scrip still managed to show a net gain of 0.9 to Rs128.35. PICIC too depicted an increment of 5.0 to the Rs85.00 level. The market8217s crash, though still continuing, has placed a number of scrips at attractive levels. The fertilizer and banking scrips however managed to attract attention of the investors even in the worst prevailing conditions. Of the Crash Since the 10510 points intra-day peak level on March 16, 2005, the KSE-100 index plummeted 27 or 2800 points in just eight trading days to the 7709 point level on Friday. According to market analysis, numerous factors have been cited for the unprecedented stock market crash, which include the generally overbought market situation around the 10000 point index level, heavy long positions in the March Futures Contracts, brokers apprehensions towards the new risk management regulations put forth by the SECP and some deterioration in the law and order situation in Baluchistan. However, the market experts feel that it is indeed the huge positions in the futures contracts that are responsible for the freefall of the market. Since the unsquared long futures positions are marked as deliveries, the market crash turned into a liquidity shortfall situation. In an effort to avert a liquidity crisis, the stock exchange management had announced one-week extension of the March Futures Contract, though this decision was withdrawn later on. Due to tight liquidity situation, the Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and the regulators over the weekend initiated several measures to facilitate carryover or badla transactions. This measure was also aimed to facilitate rollover of unsquared futures contracts. Firstly, the rate limit on badla financing was raised from 18 to 24. According to informed source, the SBP on Saturday reportedly removed the restriction on banks8217 investment for badla financing and a consortium of banks was arranged a financing line to the tune of Rs19billion for the stock brokers and investors. Marathon badla sessions were held on Saturday and Sunday to facilitate the rollover of transactions. 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No se han encontrado resultados div. testimonialslide data-cycle-auto-heightcalc data-cycle-pause-on-hovertrue data-cycle-prev. easy-t-79000837.easy-t-cycle-prev data-cycle-next. easy-t-79000837.easy-t-cycle-next Dave Kyte no es slo un proveedor de Fame Biorefinery Vemos a Dave como un valioso socio comercial para nosotros. El enfoque de Dave en encontrar soluciones para nuestros desafos de separacin ha agregado realmente valor a nuestro negocio (ms hellip) Keith Jones, Presidente Fame Biorefinery Corp. Kyte Centrifuge ha sido mi nico proveedor de decantadoras reacondicionadas y centrifugadoras de pilas de discos. Junto con el suministro de una centrfuga reacondicionada de calidad a un precio atractivo y la entrega, Centrfuga Kyte se mantiene por su equipo con el apoyo tcnico continuo post-start up. (Ms hellip) Mike Kemp, Presidente NorthBend Biocombustibles Weather taking toll on Pakistanrsquos agriculture Economy ndash 04 :55 PM ndash March 24, 2016 Due to little rains during the month of January, the growth of wheat crop has suffered a lot. The above normal rains during the month of March accompanied by hailstorms and windsare not auguring well for this staple crop grown over 20 million acres in Pakistan, mainlyin Punjab and Sindh provinces. The wheat production is likely to come down to 23 milliontones mark against the target of 26 million tones. ldquoThe erratic rains are mainly due to El nino factor that is presently at the fag end. But it has already left negative effects on the crops, rdquo Muhammad Riaz, Chief Meteorologist says. It has been predicted that the uncertainties in Pakistanrsquos weather pattern will persist towards the early summer. Like March, April is expected to be wetter than normal. Frequent spells of rainfall and isolated hailstorms with windstorm may hamper the harvesting and threshing of wheat and sowing of cotton. May and first half of June are likely to remain drier and hotter than normal. The meteorologists say that would increase the probability ofoccurrence of heat waves over plains, badly affecting the agronomic patterns. The erratic rains and extreme weather events are not a recent phenomenon. During the last summer and the ensuing months, the abnormal rainfall coupled with adulterated and spurious agro-chemicals led to poor harvest in Pakistan especially in the Punjab province. The cotton production nose-dived by 43 percent, inflecting a loss of US 1.5 billion to the growers of Punjab alone, besides forcing the textile sector to import lint from central Asian states like Uzbekistan. Rains to return in April ndash 04 :00 PM ndash March 24, 2016 The ongoing rain spells of Spring season would continue in most parts of the country in the month of April with intervals, according to the weather experts. Senior Meteorologist, Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), Farooq Dar said ldquokeeping in view the prevailing regional and global weather conditions, it is expected that the ongoing rain spells would continue in the month of April toordquo. The senior meteorologist termed these rain-spells as quite unusual activity for which the reason is the prolonged warming in the Pacific Ocean sea surface temperatures (El-Nino phenomena). He said the present rain spell, started from Thursday in different parts of country, is the fourth rain-spell of this Spring season. This rain spell would continue till Saturday with chances of light rain on Sunday morning too, he added. While another rain spell, he said, is expected in the first week of April which would also continue for few days, making the weather pleasant. The senior meteorologist said these spells carrying moderate rains are not seemed to be dangerous for the Wheat or any other crop. However the hail storm, if occurs, may cause damage to the crops. Todayrsquos More Pakistan Weather Updates ndash Haga clic aqu Pakistan Sugar Market Overnight Commentary ndash 12 :35 PM ndash March 26, 2016 Pakistan Sugar market: The sindh prices were increased while Punjab prices were decreased yesterday 25/3/2016 due to some buying activities, furthermore some of the sugar mills have started to close their crushing operation in different areas, said by market sources. LIFFE White Sugar 5 Future Contracts Closing ndash 12 :30 PM ndash March 26, 2016 As on 25th March 2016 Market Closed due Public holiday LIFFE White Sugar 5 Future Contracts Closing ndash 08:50 AM ndash March 25, 2016 As on 24th March 2016 (1 USD 104.50 PKR) Todayrsquos More Sugar Crop Updates ndash Haga clic aqu KP govt to procure 350,000 tons of wheat this year: minister ndash 06:00 PM ndash March 24, 2016 Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Minister for Food Haji Qalandar Khan Lodhi has said the provincial government will procure 350,000 tons of wheat to meet the provincial needs. He disclosed this while chairing a meeting of the working group for food department KP held at his office in civil secretariat on Wednesday. The meeting was attended by Secretary FoodAsmatullah Khan Gandapur, Director General Agriculture Department Iqbal Hussain, members ofthe working group and officers of the department concerned. The meeting discussed matters pertaining to procurement of wheat and wheat policy for 2016, Insaf Food, Food Security programme and establishment of food stores on the lane of Pakistan Railway and presented some viable proposals for approval and taken decisions in this regard. The meeting was told that according to fixed target by the federal government, procurement of 3,50,000 tons wheat was expected in the KP at Rs. 1300 per 40 kg this year. The meeting disclosed that government would purchase 50 yield from seeds growers, providedto them under the Insaf Food Security Programme. Secretary Food Asmatullah Khan Gandapur briefed the meeting regarding procurement of wheat in KP and directed officers concerned to adopt transparent strategy in this regard. Todayrsquos More Wheat Crop Updates ndash Haga clic aqu Nestle to invest more in dairy sector ndash 10:40 A M ndash March 21, 2016 Nestle Pakistan has shown interest to invest more in the projects of dairy farm products, said Bruno Olierhoek, managing director of Nestle Pakistan. In this regard, Olierhoek held a meeting with Naheed Memon, chairperson of the Sindh Board of Investment (SBI), on Friday and expressed interest in exploring dairy farm products in Sindh. She said that the Sindh government is encouraging investment in various sectors, including fruits, milk, meat and fish and a number of incentives are being offered in this regard. Jodia Bazaar, Karachi Dairy amp Dry Powdered Milk Prices 8211 03:00 PM 8211 March 08, 2016 Today39s More Dairy amp Dry Powered Milk Updates 8211 Haga clic aqu Crude Oil Technical Chart and Analysis 21st March 2016 8211 06:35 PM Silver Technical Chart and Analysis 21st March 2016 8211 06:25 PM Pakistani Rupees Weekly Technical Chart and Analysis 21st March 2016 8211 06:15 PM Forex account management / Managed Forex accounts / Forex trading Software Services MaxMargin Solutions is leading I. T based Forex Account Management / Managed Forex Accounts Services company providing it via latest Virtual Cloud technology with upto 99.99 MT4 Up-time and 99.99 Trading Accuracy generating Upto 100 Profits in 365 days for all those who want to be in Forex trading work to generated extra income and looking ways for secure investment. Al-Fahad Fortune Trading L. L. 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